Posts by DeSilva Derm Admin

Reminder: Modify Your Skincare Regimen!

Reminder: Modify Your Skincare Regimen!

People often think that winter skincare isn’t as important as skincare in other seasons. Temperatures are cool, the sky is...

Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday Gift Guide

  Here are some holiday gift ideas…and they’re all available in the office! Many other products to choose from.

DermaV FAQ

DermaV FAQ

DeSilva Dermatology is pleased to offer DermaV, the latest in laser technology. Achieving what no other laser has before, the...

The Dynamic Duo: Emsculpt and Semaglutides

The Dynamic Duo: Emsculpt and Semaglutides

We all know that Emsculpt is an effective way to reduce fat and build muscle. And drugs such as semaglutides...

Is Your Body Summer-Ready?

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Is your body ready for the beach? If the answer...

Psoriasis Seasonal Flare-Ups

What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, scaly skin that may feel painful, swollen or hot....

It’s Laser Season!

It’s Laser Season!

It’s that time of year again — laser season! And that means it’s time to refresh your looks. Count on...

LaseMD Ultra FAQ

DeSilva Dermatology is proud to offer LaseMD Ultra, an intelligent skin rejuvenation program that maximizes the absorption of revitalizing compounds...

Q&A with Dr. John Martin IV

Dr. John Martin IV is a board certified dermatologist and a native Texan. He is a graduate of Texas A&M...

All About Vi Peel

DeSilva Dermatology offers six uniquely formulated VI Peel treatments designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring,...

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