The Dynamic Duo: Emsculpt and Semaglutides
We all know that Emsculpt is an effective way to reduce fat and build muscle. And drugs such as semaglutides are great for weight loss and management. But how do they work together?
When you combine semaglutide weight loss with Emsculpt body contouring, you get a safe and effective way to lose weight, tone your body and build muscle. And this isn’t a temporary “fix.” With diet and moderate exercise, you can maintain the form you’ve always wanted.
Why do both?
Semaglutides send signals to your brain that you are full, resulting in a decrease in your desire to eat — and that means weight loss. But with reduced calorie intake, your body dips into its own energy stores to maintain, and muscle tone can be sacrificed.
Semaglutides can help you drop unwanted pounds, but dieting alone can result in a nearly 40% loss of muscle. And good muscle tone is important, especially as you get older. More muscle helps you to maintain a higher metabolism, which equals more efficient weight maintenance.
To reverse the effect of muscle loss, strength training is vital. With strength training, you lose unwanted fat, but you will still continue to build muscle — and EmSculpt plays a vital role.
How does EmSculpt work?
EmSculpt gives you a jump-start on muscle building. The non-invasive HIFEM® procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions. When exposed to these strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such an extreme condition. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting of your body.
So, combining weight loss drugs and EmSculpt will give your body the extra oomph it needs. The drugs will help you lose excess weight, and EmSculpt will act as the catalyst for your workout program.
As you slim down with semaglutides, EmSculpt ensures that you are building a toned, sculpted body and not just losing fat. You will build muscle and strengthen your body, which is so important for healthy weight loss.
This duo will deliver a body transformation that fits into your lifestyle without laborious workout routines or restrictive diets. It’s ideal for those who have limited time.
How Much Time Will It Take?
Semaglutides start working immediately, but noticeable effects begin within two to four weeks.
Within the first one to two months, most people will see noticeable weight loss. The average is about one to two pounds per week, and the typical person will lose about 15% of their body weight by three to six months and potentially 20% or more in a year.
With EmSculpt, a 30-minute treatment with minimum of four sessions scheduled two to three days apart is recommended. DeSilva Dermatology can help you create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.
You will feel tangible results immediately after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after treatment, and will continue to improve for several weeks.
Do I Really Need to Combine Semaglutides and EmSculpt?
Semaglutides are great for weight management, but if lifestyle changes are not made, weight will return as fat instead of muscle. It’s important to combine the medication with a healthy diet and a treatment like EmSculpt. EmSculpt gives you an extra boost that takes the work out of strength training. So, yes — they work together quite well.
Call us at (830) 331-4150 to get started! And watch for specials on EmSculpt, now through the end of the year!